Eden Release Party and Music Video Premiere
Thu, Feb 22
Come celebrate the release of Willowbrook's long awaited EP, Eden, and the exclusive premiere of Waltz of the Birds and the Bees music video!!

Time & Location
Feb 22, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
About the event
FEBRUARY 22 | 6PM | $20* | UMA LOFT**
n May of last year, Willowbrook launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the creation of their first studio EP, "Eden", which was recorded in Boston, Masechusetts. Along side this EP was a single, titled "Waltz of the Birds and the Bees" that was released in June. With the EP paid off, a special thanks to the many people who donated to the campaign, it is set to release February 23rd! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! A music video was filmed for Waltz of the Birds and the Bees, and it truely is a cinematic piece of art, thanks to Windsor's own Garett Mckelvie.
There will be themed snacks and drinks, a live performance from Willowbrook, and an exclusive first-time-viewing of the music video at this event.
*If you were one of the lovely people who donated $20 or more, you've already paid for your ticket! If you donated any less, all you have to do is match $20 (if you donated $10, you pay $10). If this section applies to you, please email willowbrookbusiness@gmail.com.
**This event will take place at Uma Loft in Windsor, Ontario. The exact address will be given privately to those who RSVP or purchace a ticket.
To purchase a ticket, visit >>Eventbrite<< or RSVP and pay cash at the door.